I've been thinking for a while about doing a monthly summary-type post a bit like
Di Hickman does, & somehow never get around to it - so from September my 'what's up with me?' post will be just that - there, I said it ... & that's like a commitment! For this month tho' there's just a few things that I need to get off my chest.
I have been struggling for some time now & failing completely to achieve some sort of balance. I've taken short breaks of a few days here & there but none long enough to really achieve anything. But just long enough to see that something has to give! Right now I'm coming out of a period of over-commitment, so this is a good time to make some changes.
My DT term with journaling junkie & MCC has now come to an end & most recently, Allie from Croppinsville USA announced that she was not going to continue with either the DT or Hometown Bloggers due to online issues with the webstore. I am not going to apply for anymore DT places in the near future, although there are 1 or 2 upon which I'm waiting to hear the outcome. I'm going to continue to create for those DTs upon which I do serve ... but that's it - I'm officially taking a 'creative break', which also means I'll be creating less for this blog too. So no challenge entries, no 'hobby' scrapping etc ... a proper break.
And that will give me some time to concentrate on my home (which is a state!) & my garden (which needs TLC). I have no idea how long this break will last ... could be days (it's been 3 so far), maybe weeks ... I doubt I'll last a month! LOL. But I expect to come back fully refreshed & ready to create with a re-invigourated (is that even a word?) mojo!
There will still be eye candy on this blog - I still have lots of stuff to post for DT work & for my classes, etsy store etc - I'm just gonna take some time to finish stuff up without worrying about creating every day etc ... then next month maybe I'll feel refreshed!
And I'm gonna try my very best not to take so much on in future! I have loved doing '40 days' but with opening the etsy shop before it ends & the launch of the
new challenge blog & a few new DT applications & running the webstore & the launch of our new
monthly embellie kit... maybe it's just too much! So from this weekend, I'm gonna take it all at a slower pace ... maybe just ONE thing at a time ... how about that!
Thank you all sooooo much for sticking with me - even when I am unreliable ... I love sharing my journey with you all! This week is for tidying up the loose ends ... the new, 40-year-old me will be taking over at the weekend! LOL